eWareness’ Veteran Owned Business Project Named a Top 100 Champion in the 2014 Small Business Influencer Awards
Melbourne, Florida, December 1, 2014 – eWareness, Publisher of the Veteran Owned Business Project, has been named a Top 100 Champion in the 2014 Small Business Influencer Awards.
The Small Business Influencer Awards honor those who are influential to small businesses in North America, through the products, services, knowledge, information or support they provide to the small business market.

eWareness, Publisher of the Veteran Owned Business Project, has been named a Top 100 Champion in the 2014 Small Business Influencer Awards
“Being named a Top 100 Champion shows that all the long hours and hard work my team and I have done in support of small businesses owned and operated by our country’s past and present military members hasn’t gone unnoticed.” said Brian K. St.Ours, eWareness’ President and Founder of the Veteran Owned Business Project. “This award is as much of a win for our staff as it is for our network of over 20,000 members who also understand the importance of growing a small business through long hours and hard work!”
The Awards are designed to recognize the unsung heroes of small businesses – those who support and encourage entrepreneurs and small business owners, and help them achieve success and stay successful. The Champions are selected by a panel of judges steeped in the small business market, who considered the contributions of the nominees over the past year toward:
- Advocating on behalf of small businesses,
- Providing products or services that address the unique challenges faced by small businesses,
- Revolutionizing how small businesses do business or how they solve business challenges,
- Helping small businesses grow,
- Impacting small businesses in a significant way.
“Influencers are those who play crucial roles in the small business ecosystem, but who often are in the background. The Top 100 Champions have distinguished themselves in some way. We’re delighted to see the wide range of Champions and Honorable Mentions this year – including journalists who’ve spent decades covering small business issues, corporate leaders whose names may not be widely recognized but who impact small businesses by influencing the offerings within their companies, vendors large and small that support small businesses, analysts who aid our understanding of this market, and entrepreneurs who have a strong voice among their small business peers,“ said Anita Campbell, CEO of Small Business Trends and one of the co-founders of the Awards.
About the Small Business Influencer Awards
The Small Business Influencer Awards, now in their fourth year, enable the small business community to nominate and show their support for those that influence and support them. The Awards have an open nomination period, followed by community voting, and then a judging period by a group of industry-knowledgeable judges.
The Small Business Influencer Awards initiative is produced by Small Business Trends, an award-winning online publication, serving over 6,000,000 small business owners, stakeholders and entrepreneurs annually, and SmallBizTechnology.com, a media company that produces online content and live events educating small and mid-sized companies on how to strategically use technology as a tool to grow their businesses. The Awards can be found on the Web at SMBInfluencers.com.
About Veteran Owned Business Project
Launched on Veterans Day 2008, the Veteran Owned Business Project has grown to a network of nearly 300,000 supporters and over 20,000 businesses all proudly owned by veterans, active duty military, reservists and service disabled veterans (DVBE/SDVOSB) of the United States Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard and National Guard. There is absolutely no cost to use Veteran Owned Business and there is no cost to become a member and get your business’ profile. For more information, visit VeteranOwnedBusiness.com, Twitter.com/VeteranOwned or Facebook.com/VeteranOwnedBusiness. Please address all media inquiries to Veteran Owned Business Project’s publishing company, eWareness (http://www.ewareness.com).